ClientSuccess - Simply Powerful, Powerfully Simple
Veracode: Mark Bissell on choosing ClientSuccess at multiple companies
"Every company goes through the challenge of where to put time, effort and money. ClientSuccess gives us the opportunity to zero in on where things are working, and where they're not working"

-Mark Bissell, Chief Customer Officer @ Veracode

Who is Veracode?

Veracode is an intelligent software security platform that allows security and developer teams to identify, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities in their software applications throughout the development lifecycle.

What outcomes is Veracode achieving through ClientSuccess?

ClientSuccess is providing Veracode CSMs and managers alike a single location to track all key customer data. Whether it's account details, meetings notes or important usage and dates, ClientSuccess has become the central repository for all things customer success.

The Veracode team is also able to prioritize key accounts and initiatives by understanding where customers are performing well vs. those who need attention.

Why did Veracode choose ClientSuccess over other solutions?

When selecting the right tool for the job, Mark Bissell (Chief Customer Officer) came back to ClientSuccess, having previously used it at a smaller organization earlier in his career. Mark knew that he needed to find a platform that could serve his much larger team of hundreds of CSMs managing thousands of customers, but also a solution that was easy-to-implement and maintain.

The ability to serve a scaled customer success model while being easy to setup was ultimately what led mark back to ClientSuccess.

What ClientSuccess features does Veracode find most useful?

The ClientSuccess integration with Salesforce is a foundational component to Veracode's customer success strategy. With this integration CSMS and managers no longer have to duplicate work across multiple platforms. Veracode CSMs also find immense value in customer grid feature - a singular view with all key customer details. This view has become the daily "cockpit" for CSMs as they prioritize their work, prepare for customer meetings and report to managers.

Want to see how it works?
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Screenshot of renewals dashboard from ClientSuccess platform