ClientSuccess - Simply Powerful, Powerfully Simple
Symphony Talent: How ClientSuccess helps identify churn before its too late

Who is Symphony Talent?

Symphony Talent delivers a modern approach to talent acquisition through talent acquisition software, CRM and brand transformation.

How does Symphony Talent use ClientSuccess?

When thinking about modernizing their customer success practice, Symphony Talent knew they needed a simple-to-use platform that allowed them to both standardize their processes and identify key churn signals.

Through the ClientSuccess Health Score, Karla Russell (VP of Client Success) was able to set up a system to help her CSMs know which accounts to prioritize. Health Score reporting gave leaders across the company a whole new view into their customer base, one that they previously did not have.

What does Symphony Talent like most about ClientSuccess?

"ClientSuccess is a really easy tool to use. Our client success managers have all the information they need, right at their fingertips"

-Karla Russell, VP of Client Success @ Symphony Talent

Through a simple interface and quick implementation, Karla and her team were able to integrate with Salesforce such that all key customer data was in one view. This integration, along with the out-of-the-box customer usage, revenue and other reporting data has been a game-changer in allowing Symphony Talent to have real-time insights into customer health.

What outcomes is Symphony Talent achieving through ClientSuccess?

The most immediate and important outcome has been Symphony Talent's ability to recognize churn patterns early in the lifecycle. Through features such as Pulse, NPS Surveys, Health Scores and more, Karla's team can proactively mitigate churn risk with more efficacy through success plans, goals - all without ever leaving ClientSuccess. This has led to greater efficiency across the board, and spending time in the most important areas of the customer base.

What ClientSuccess features does Symphony Talent find most useful?

The Health Score is heavily relied upon for an up-to-date view on any customer, at any time. Karla and her team are also regularly updating customer pulses (another ClientSuccess feature) to signal changes in customer sentiment.

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Screenshot of renewals dashboard from ClientSuccess platform